Embark on a FarOut Journey!

Reignite your life, discover the extraordinary, and flourish in a future crafted by your unfolding wisdom.

Tune in to The FarOut Show – get free weekly episodes direct to your in-box.

In a world filled with health issues, financial stress, and relationship strains, how can we uncover moments of serenity and spaciousness? Let’s explore together, navigating these challenges with a focus on finding peace, fun and maybe even playful adventure, amidst the overwhelm.

Latest Episodes
Holistic Recovery: Insights on Overcoming Addiction

Holistic Recovery: Insights on Overcoming Addiction

Abheeru explores the concept of addiction, encompassing not just substance use but repetitive patterns in thoughts and actions seeking momentary relief from stress, and highlights society’s tendency to stigmatise certain addictions while overlooking others like workaholism or stress.

Ethical Currency: Navigating Sustainable Growth on a Finite Planet

Ethical Currency: Navigating Sustainable Growth on a Finite Planet

Explore the intricacies of the current financial system with JP and Anouk in this engaging podcast. Uncover flaws in fiat currencies, central bank influence, and the repercussions of unsustainable growth. Join the conversation on wealth concentration, ethical currencies, and the significance of community-building and alternative values.

Fear and Healing: Navigating Cancer Holistically

Fear and Healing: Navigating Cancer Holistically

Explore illness complexities on the FarOut Show as Abheeru unveils prevalent cancer fear. Drawing from his 7-year journey, he emphasises fear’s impact on mind and body. Abheeru advocates a positive, authentic life amid health challenges. Please note, our show offers insights, not medical advice. Always consult a healthcare professional for personalised guidance.

We live in a time of great upheaval.

The global abuse of power is creating disorientation in individuals who feel there’s nowhere to turn with the overwhelming contradiction in information wars and not much they can really trust. We’re looking to create a scaffolding of intelligent conversations which lead listeners back to a sense of being home: finding safe, sane and secure alternatives in a world brimming with their opposites.

Our show aims to share the uplifting resilience of the human spirit, emphasising the broader perspective that includes our shared sensitivity, environmental care, sustaining relationships, the universal longing for love, and an unwavering belief in humanity’s inherent goodness—something we consistently witness during our travels, often with the help of strangers.

These FarOut Show explorations serve as a reminder that life extends beyond the relentless pursuit of busyness and the constraints of merely getting by. We offer a relaxed, conversational journey where listeners can delve into the mysteries of our world, all while being part of a supportive, understanding, and empowering like-minded community. 

Hi! My name is Abheeti...
I talk to people about stuff that matters in life in a way that makes sense.
Meet Abheeti, the heart behind The FarOut Show – a podcast where insightful conversations lead to fascinating explorations. As a mother, life-partner, traveller, meditator, and holistic living enthusiast, Abheeti crafts a unique experience, blending the unravelling of life's challenges with playful yet profound discussions. Dive into the (ordinary) extraordinary as we explore everyday and taboo topics together on this transformative journey!

Testimonials (listener lurve)

Kathy Roberts, tidytutor.com, farout show, podcast
sophie amat, farout show, podcast
Amber Queern, farout show, podcast
I love the FarOutCommunity.<br />
Abi has created a hub of knowledge just a click away for everyone, analysing interesting and current topics modeled with the freshness and harmony that are her trademark. Covering a 360 degree spectrum, I always find something that tickles my curiosity!</p>
<p>Adoro la FarOutCommunity.<br />
Abi ha creato un polo di conoscenza a portata di click per tutti, analizzando temi interessanti e di attualità modellati con la freschezza e armonia che sono il suo Trademark.<br />
Coprendo uno spettro a 360 gradi trovo sempre qualcosa che solletica la mia curiosità!<br />
Gioele, Milano, Italia<br />
Project Manager
farout show, podcast

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3. Growth: Explore holistic deep-dive content on diverse topics, integrating personal understanding and expansion while gaining valuable perspectives, all in your own sweet time

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